Get information about your connected Wi-Fi devices.Updating an AirPort Router: Open the AirPort Utility program in your Utilities folder. In comes the problem, ever since this airport utility update my MacBook Pro has not been able to see my Airport Express, I even tried resetting the Airport. When it comes to setting up a new AirPort Extreme or Time Capsule, The purpose of this update to the master plan is to review the existing and long range needs of the Renton Municipal Airport/Clayton Scott Field (RNT) and update the official FAA-approved drawings. note "general stability and security improvements," but the update is thought to address wider compatibility problems with iOS 13. Release notes accompanying AirPort Utility version 1.3. In the future, I expect that Apple will update Windows AirPort Utility to a feature-identical version 6. Ensure you have a green light on your AirPort (both the hardware and a green indicator on AirPort Utility). Now, this app is available for Windows PC users. Open AirPort Utility in Applications > Utilities on a Mac using Mac OS X, and in Start > All Programs > AirPort on a computer using Windows.

Is your Airport Extreme, Time Capsule, or Airport Express showing a blinking yellow/amber light? The current firmware is 7.6.7 for Wireless-N devices and 7.7.7 for Wireless-AC. Click on the "Update" button that appears. The utility will immediately show that there are updates available for your device by putting a "badge" (red circle) on it. When a firmware update is available, open the Airport Utility app (exists for IOS, OS X, and Windows PCs).